

Cross-Strait 兩岸關係

I am also committed to a consistent, predictable, and sustainable relationship with China. 


Cross-strait relations must be considered in a long-term context. Since Taiwan's democratization, we have had three democratically elected presidents and a strong social will forged by numerous democracy movements. Freedom and democracy are values deeply ingrained in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. The president elected by the people of Taiwan represents all the people of Taiwan in conducting external affairs. Therefore the conduct of cross-strait policy must transcend the position of a political party and incorporate different views. A leader must take into account public consensus, when making decisions. We do have a broad consensus in Taiwan, that is, the maintenance of the status quo


will 意志、決心,在這邊不是當未來式的助動詞,而是名詞;will 當名詞還有「遺囑」的意思,都是跟心志相關。forge 淬鍊、鍛造,在這裡是過去分詞表被動式而非過去式的動詞型態。numerous 多次、數目眾多的。be ingrained 深植、根深蒂固;字根 grain 是指「穀物」。coduct 推動、處理、指揮、經營,可以當動詞也可以當名詞。external affairs 對外事務。incorporate 包容、包含、納入。take into account 考量。consensus 共識、同意。the status quo 現狀,拉丁文,表示事情現存的狀態。

I have articulated and reiterated my position of maintaining the status quo in the previous months, as I believe this serves the best interest of all parties concerned


all parties concerned 各方、相關各方。

Therefore, if elected President, I will push for the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations in accordance with the will of the Taiwanese people and the existing ROC constitutional order.


 ROC (the Republic of China) 中華民國,也就是國際上所知的「台灣」;目前國際上所稱的「中國」指的是「中華人民共和國」(the People's Republic of China)。荷米特小時候歷史課本寫:中華民國是亞洲第一個民主共和國,所以一直以為中華民國的全稱是「中華民主共和國」(the Democratic Republic of China) 就像剛果民主共和國一樣。而諷刺的是,不論是孫文或是中國都將「民」解釋為「人民」而非「民主」。constitutional order 憲政體制、憲政秩序;constitutional 憲法的、憲政的,而這邊的中文翻譯正可解釋,憲法是惡法亦法的僵化法治,憲政則是制度實行後的結果;根據蔡英文在演說後接受媒體的提問 the existing constitutional order 為何時解釋,"which covers the provisions of the Constitution itself, subsequent amendments, interpretations [and] court decisions based on these provisions, and practices by different divisions within the government and different sectors of the population here. (包括憲法本身的條文,後續的修正案,法庭根據這些條文所產生的解釋和判例,以及不同政府部門和各種民間機構對憲法的實踐」。荷米特想,如果蔡英文強調的是僵化的憲法條文,那演說稿應該會把中文寫成「憲法體制」、英文寫成大寫 the Constitutional order 吧!

The two sides of the Taiwan Strait should treasure and secure the accumulated outcomes of more than twenty years of negotiations and exchanges. These accumulated outcomes will serve as the firm basis of my efforts to further the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations. 


 the two sides of the Taiwan Strait 兩岸、台灣海峽兩岸;「兩岸」這個詞根據用法不同,也翻譯成 cross-strait (跨海峽的)。accumulate 累積、累加。

I will push for legislation of the Cross-Strait Agreement Oversight Bill to establish a comprehensive set of rules for overseeing the cross-strait exchanges and negotiations.  The cross-strait agreements which are currently under negotiation or legislative review will be re-examined and further negotiated according to the new rules. 


 comprehensive 周全的、全面的、綜合的、充分理解的。

Last but most importantly, I will also strengthen our democratic institutions and uphold the right of the people to decide their future free of coercion. While I advocate for constructive exchanges and dialogues with China, I will ensure the process is democratic and transparent, and that the economic benefits are equitably shared.     


 institution 機制、機構、制度。uphold 確保、支持、捍衛。free of 免於。

Conclusion—New Asian value is being crafted 結論—建立中的亞洲新價值

In conclusion, I would like to say this: Taiwan stands at the juncture of history and culture. When people in many Asian countries are still suffering from authoritarianism, we in Taiwan are immensely proud of our democracy and cherish our hard-earned social and political rights and individual freedom, together with the rise of civil society and freedom of choice.


 we in Taiwan 台灣、我們台灣、在台灣的我們。immensely 相當、非常地、無比地。hard-earned 努力爭取而來、辛苦掙來的。

As Asia faces rising nationalism, irredentism, and threat of military conflict, we intend to engage in proactive peace diplomacy that fosters peace and stability with the spirit of giving and sharing.


irredentism 擴張主義、領土收復主義、民族統一主義;單字源於義大利文 ir-redento,表示 un-redeemed (未贖回、未還回) 的意思,字首 ir-表示「沒有」,如:irregular (不規則的)、irrelative (無關的)。

When globalization causes economic turbulence, brings unsustainable results in resources, and leaves great disparity and injustice, particularly to the younger generations, we in the DPP are ready to undertake a new model of economic development which aims at building a new economy based on innovation, employment, and distribution, as well as to implement a community-based social safety net to compliement the traditional family-based care systems. These will serve as an important basis for innovation, sustainability, distribution and social justice.


 turbulence 混亂、動亂;也指氣象上的亂流。disparity 不公、不一致、有差距。undertake 推動、承辦、承擔。implement 建構、實踐。complement 補救、修補;compliment 是表示「讚美」,原稿誤拚。

In summary, we are crafting a model of new Asian value in Taiwan to serve as an example and inspiration to others. With this new Asian value, we are ready to light up Taiwan, light up Asia.


Thank you very much.




Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2015. "Tsai Ing-wen 2016: Taiwan Faces the Future."

Michael Turton, 2015.  "Tsai Ing-wen at CSIS, DPP transcript of speech and Q&A."

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