
Social safety net社會安全網

When the economy grows, the Taiwan government will be equipped with more resources to invest in social infrastructure. The DPP has unveiled a plan to create a new community-based social safety net, and has inaugurated the plan in some of the local governments under our administration. I also plan to invest in social housing as well as long-term senior care systems. These are highly demanded in Taiwan as it moves to an aging society.


inaugurate 楬 (揭) 櫫、揭示。senior 年長者、長輩。aging 高齡的、逐漸老化的。

Here I would like to stress that investment in the social safety net is not just welfare spending; it will make good economic sense by meeting local demand and generating local job opportunities.


make sense 講得通、合情合理。荷米特發現,蔡英文的演說有很多「眉角」,也就是在修飾詞方面使用得很精準,比如這句 "make good economic sense" 就可看出,不是所有層面都能讓人滿意,但是在經濟方面可以解決問題。

For Taiwan's economy to be more competitive and our democracy stronger[,] we need to build a military capable of safeguarding the country and maintaining peace. We should also help shape a friendly regional environment by making meaningful contributions to international affairs. Needless to say, a critical component is a need to maintain a peaceful and stable relationship with China.


needless to say 當然、不用說。


On defense, to be a reliable partner on regional security, it is my firm belief that proper investment in credible deterrence is the key. In light of the increasing military and security threat that Taiwan faces, developing asymmetric capabilities that involve enhanced military relations with friendly forces, well-trained military personnel in a modern force structure, and acquisition of necessary defense equipment are essential components of our deterrent strategy.


reliable 可信賴的、可靠的。firm 堅定的;firm 當名詞時為「公司」。credible 有效的、確實的。deterrence 嚇阻;動詞為 deter。in light of 面對、考量到、有鑑於。asymmetric 不對稱的;反義詞為 symmetric (對稱的)。acquisition 採購、獲得;動詞為 acquire。

The transition to a voluntary military force has its challenges. I am committed to securing the resources necessary to provide adequate training and education for the active and reserve forces, so that there is not only a high degree of professionalism among the services, but also a quality connection between their military service and job careers.


a voluntary military force 募兵制、志願役的部隊;voluntary military serive (志願役;募兵制) 反義詞是 compulsory/mandatory/obligatory military service (義務役; 徵兵制)。

It is important that mil-to-mil relations with the U.S. continue to intensify in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and mutual security interests in the region. Taiwan is and will continue to be a reliable partner of the U.S. in ensuring peace and stability in the region. We must work closely with our American friends, not only in deterring traditional threats and coercion, but also in jointly dealing with other non-traditional security threats, such as cyber-security.


mil-to-mil 軍事合作、軍事關係,mil-to-mil 也就是 military-to-military。in accordance with 基於、按照、符合。coercion 強迫、(策略) 高壓。cyber 網路、電腦相關。

In addition to foreign acquisition of defense systems and platforms, I am committed to more investments in indigenous defense programs, including research and development, to meet our long-term defense need. These investments will eventually produce multiplied benefits in Taiwan's economy. It is investment in defense and economy at the same time, for the long haul.


foreign 對外、外國的。be committed to 有決心、忠於、保證。indigenous 本土的、該土地固有的。multiplied benefit 實際效益、加乘效益、倍增效益。for the long haul 長遠來說;haul 拖拉一段距離;努力後得到的結果。

Relations with the U.S. and international participation 對美關係與國際參與

Taiwan and its people have a special political, security, economic, and cultural bond with the United States because of our shared values and shared interests. But, Taiwan should not take the relationship for granted. I will ensure that Taiwan works together with the U.S. to advance our common interests. Taiwan's international support can be obtained by making ourselves as a reliable partner and by having a proactive diplomatic agenda for peace.


bond 情誼、聯繫;bond 同時也是英國小說007系列的主角姓氏。shared 共享;電腦中可以將文件夾設定為共享,稱為 shared folder(s)。agenda 議程、應辦事項。

Under my watch, Taiwan will meaningfully participate and contribute, provided that it is not discriminated against, in international projects such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, medical assistance, and joint efforts in economic aide with backup support from our active NGO's. Taiwan has a modern rescue training center in central Taiwan; I would like to expand its operation so that it becomes an international training center. I will also seek to work closely with the U.S. on counter-terrorism, modeling on the Container Security Initiative and Mega Port Initiative and share this experience with any neighboring country.


provide that 只要 (在某個條件下)。humantaritarian 人道的;比如:humantarian aid (人道救助)、humantarian care (人道關懷)。relief 救援、救濟、減輕;比如:pain relief 減少痛苦、tax relief 減輕稅收。aide 應該是打錯字 (typo),正確為 aid (援助),aide 是可數名詞「助手」。NGO's 應該也是錯字。NGO 是 non-governmental organization (非政府組織) 的縮寫,複數應為 non-governmental organizations (NGOs 或 N.G.O.'s);荷米特發現,以前學縮寫的時候大多會加period (句點),現在都很鬆散了,比如:the U.S.A.=the USA (美國)。central Taiwan 台灣中部、中台灣;類似的台灣區域描述還有northern Taiwan (北台灣)、southern Taiwan (南台灣)、eastern Taiwan (東台灣) 等。container 貨櫃,container ship 貨櫃船;container 也可以當作「容器」。

The former DPP Administration established the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and the NGO Committee in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is to advance our democratic value and meaningful participation in international affairs. Their work will be rejuvenated if we have a chance to return to office.


former 過去 (的)、先前的。rejuvenate 重啟、使恢復。return to office/power 再度執政、重新入朝。

Making contributions, becoming a reliable partner will be the spirit of the new DPP administration in the pursuit of international participation. (Cont.) 




Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2015. "Tsai Ing-wen 2016: Taiwan Faces the Future."

Michael Turton, 2015.  "Tsai Ing-wen at CSIS, DPP transcript of speech and Q&A."

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