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The nation itself, with all its so called internal improvements, which, by the way are all external and superficial, is just such an unwieldy and overgrown establishment, cluttered with furniture and tripped up by its own traps, ruined by luxury and heedless expense, by want of calculation and a worthy aim, as the million households in the land; and the only cure for it as for them is in a rigid economy, a stern and more than Spartan simplicity of life and elevation of purpose.

-- Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862, American transcendentalist), "Where I Lived, and What I Lived for," Walden, or Lif in the Woods (1854)


-- 亨利‧大衛‧梭羅 (1817-1862,美國超驗主義者),〈我所住的地方,和我的生活理由〉,《瓦爾登湖,或林中生活》



梭羅的名言中有:「簡單簡單再簡單」 (Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!) 和「簡化簡化再簡化」(Simplify, simplify, simplify!)。但是他所使用的句子結構卻常常很不簡單。比如,這段文字看似一整段,其實卻只是一個句子。

  1. 子句:and 連接兩個對等子句;第一個對等子句的主詞是 the nation itself,第二個對等子句的主詞是 the only cure。兩個子句的動詞都是 is
  2. 子句主詞:然後 nation 被介系詞片語 with 修飾,the only cure 以介係詞片語 for 修飾;
  3. 子句動詞:動詞 is 後面使用的主詞補語也非常地長;
  4. 子句主詞補語:
  1. 第一個對等子句以名詞片語 an . . . establishment 為主詞補語,再用 cluttered . . . and tripped up 和 ruined 兩個過去分詞當形容詞修飾 establishment,
  2. 第二個對等子句則是以介係詞片語 in a rigid economy 當主祠補語,再用一個名詞片語 a . . . simplicity . . . and elevation 修飾這個主詞補語 economy。


The nation itself, (with all its so called internal improvements, [which, by the way are all external and superficial,])


(just such an unwieldy and overgrown establishment, cluttered with furniture and tripped up by its own traps, ruined by luxury and heedless expense, by want of calculation and a worthy aim, as the million households in the land;)


 the only cure (for it as for them)


(in a rigid economy, a stern and more than Spartan simplicity of life and elevation of purpose.)

國家本身就是 (這麼一個笨重、過度發展的編制)([順道一提,] 所有它所說的內部改革,[完全只是表面膚淺的作為],(就像領土裡上百萬個家庭一樣,因為沒有好好精打細算、也沒有崇高目標,裡面堆滿了家具,自己所設的陷阱絆倒,被奢華和恣意的花費所摧毀)(國家和那些家庭的) 唯一藥方就是要嚴厲控管經濟,生活要比斯巴達還要嚴格地簡化,並且好好提升目標。

※註:英翻中時,常常會將英文的名詞翻譯成中文的動詞,反之亦然。比如上面中的 "a . . . simplicity of life" (名詞片語) 翻譯成 「生活要 . . . 簡化」。

    國家 nation 文摘 excerpts
    創作者 荷米特 的頭像

    荷米特工作室│Atelier Hermit

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