

The DPP (Democratic Progress Party) Chairperson, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, was invited to participate in an event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC, where she delivered a speech titled "Taiwan Meeting the Challenges – Crafting a Model of New Asian Value" on June 3rd, 2015. Dr. Tsai's talk was followed by a Q & A session with former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Dr. Kurt Campbell. 


deliver a speech 發表演說。craft 打造、手工製作。從中英文對照,可發現英文多把地點和時間放在後面;主要想說的事情或人物(主詞)放前面。當時間或地點放前面時,也就是常說的倒裝句,則表示這個時間和地點很關鍵。

Thank you Bonnie for your introduction and to CSIS for welcoming me into your magnificent new building.


這邊感謝兩方,一方是謝謝葛萊儀 (Bonnie Glaser) "Thank Bonnie for your introduction . . .",一方是CSIS "to CSIS [thank] for welcoming . . ."。

Mr. Burghardt, Mr. Campbell, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and members of the media,


distinguished guests 貴賓。members of the media 媒體朋友 (成員)。對於媒體來賓也可以說是 ladies and gentlemen of the media,但是因為前面已經說過女士、先生了,所以改用成員;又因不是所有媒體人都在,所以不單用 the media (媒體界)。

It is wonderful to be in Washington DC again. It is my great honor and pleasure to meet all of you today. I am truly grateful to the fellows and staff at CSIS for making this event possible.


be grateful to + (n.) 表示對某人表示感謝;be grateful for + (n.) 則表示對某事心存感激。

Meeting new challenges 面對新的挑戰

On April 15 this year, the Democratic Progressive Party nominated me as its presidential candidate for the 2016 elections. I am greatly honored to be associated with the political party that fought hard against authoritarianism and turned Taiwan into a democracy that today cherishes freedom and human rights. The DPP is proud to have played an imperative role in bringing about such monumental changes in Taiwan.


meet challenges 面對挑戰,滿足、回應挑戰;從中文來看,英文應該是使用 face challenges 比較接近,但從這一整節看來,並不是只是強調台灣所面臨的挑戰有哪些,還有強調了需要做好準備來回應挑戰,下一節也是以「回應民主挑戰」為主題,可見用 meet 比較合適。presidential candidate 總統候選人;authoritarianism 威權 (主義);imperative 重要的、勢在必行的;monumental 重大的、劃時代的、具有里程碑意義的、名垂青史的。

As a presidential candidate, I have to be ready to deal with rising domestic and external challenges ranging from the gradual erosion of freedom and democracy to an increasing uncertainty over Taiwan's ability to maintain its economic autonomy. 


range from . . . to . . . (範圍) 從 . . . 到 . . .。over 的用法很多,包括超過、越過、在 . . . 之上等,在這裡則是表示「有關於」。

While responding to challenges, we are actually crafting a model of new Asian value which features participatory democracy, equitable distribution and social justice, innovation-based economy, and proactive peace diplomacy.

equitable 公平 (合理) 的;和 equal 不同的地方在於,equitable 是合理分配,份量有多有少,equal 則是相同等份的分配。proative (主動) 積極的;和 active 不同的地方在於,active 是主動的,而proactive 是更積極、前瞻式、預先回應、先發制人式的主動。

Responding to the challenge to democracy 回應民主的挑戰

As noted by some prominent international organizations, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and human rights have been on a steady decline in the last few years. In March last year, the undemocratic nature of the ratification process over a cross-strait trade agreement unleashed formidable social forces trying to redirect the path of the government. Now some of the social forces are eager to participate in the political process through public deliberation or even through participation in elections. 


respond to + (n.) 回應。prominent 著名的;比 famous 更有名的。ratification 立法審查、審核。unleash 引爆、釋放。formidable 強大的、令人敬佩的、令人敬畏的。public deliberation 公共審議;以公共論壇、座談為主的眾人商討方式。

The newly found sociopolitical forces may cause the government to slow down if it is not ready to be transparent or open for participation. However, if democratically handled with the input of enormous dynamism into the decision making process and constant oversight from the public, the government can be much more effective and responsive. This is what I am ready to endeavor, that is,i.e. to deepen our democracy. (Cont.)


newly found 新興的;這邊的 found 是 find (發現) 的過去分詞,而非 found (建立) 的原形動詞。oversight 監督;oversight 有兩個幾乎相反的意思,一個是「監督」,一個是「忽略」,在這邊是指「監督」。另外 that is 就等於 i.e.,從CSIS的影片來看,想必新聞稿有誤了。另外從這一段的第一個句子也可以看出中文常把「假如」、「倘若」、「如果」等條件字句放前面,英文則相反。




Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2015. "Tsai Ing-wen 2016: Taiwan Faces the Future."

Michael Turton, 2015.  "Tsai Ing-wen at CSIS, DPP transcript of speech and Q&A."

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